Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Michael Delich - The Essentials of Strength-Based Management

Michael Delich is the President of Waitt Outdoor, LLC and has been in sales and marketing for four decades. During his long and illustrious career, he has held a variety of leadership positions including VP of marketing and sales at American Gramophone Records. Michael Delich is a proponent of strength-based management and is known for his commitment to excellence and success.

In strength-based management, the focus is not on “fixing” your employees, but rather in focusing on their passions and strengths. You can create a fervent army of employees who, when empowered, can take your brand and product to a new level. Here are the essentials of strength-based management.

Stop Fixing and Start Aligning

Instead of trying to get your team members to work on projects that need to be done, ask if one of them want to take on a particular project. Identifying the skill sets of your employees is an important part of strength-based management. Once you have identified an employee’s skill set, you might want to align that person with the right project.

Build Diverse Teams

Focus on building diverse teams. Having people from different backgrounds, ages, passions, gender, etc. on your team will help you build the most innovative and creative teams around. Don’t just hire people to do the job, hire someone who can bring specific skill sets to the team.

Don’t Manage, Empower

As a team manager, you should work on empowering your team by allowing them to be curious, naïve, and bold. A diverse team will have strong opinions and perspectives, and as the team leader, it is your job to guide them in the right direction without dampening their enthusiasm and ingenuity. Michael Delich is on the advisory board of Five Points Bank.

Source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/ekaterinawalter/2013/08/27/four-essentials-of-strength-based-leadership/#7679e127fa21

Friday, 14 October 2016

Michael Delich – Leading Sales Teams

Michael Delich is the President of Waitt Outdoor, LLC and is experienced in sales and marketing, boasting over forty years of experience. He grew up in Minnesota and Colorado. After his high school graduation, he joined the Navy and served aboard the USS Kansas City as an electronics specialist. He left the military in 1975 to begin his career as a civilian, taking a manufacturer’s representative job. Michael Delich has built a successful and admirable career in the sales and marketing sector. He is an expert at identifying and rectifying advertising challenges and leading sales teams.

If you want a formidable, high-achieving sales team, you must lead by example. Embody certain habits and behaviors that you want your sales team to mimic. Show them how to work as a team. It’s important that your sales team follows your lead, operating with integrity and honesty at all times. If you want your sales team to be on-time for appointments, make sure you are always on time for team meetings. This will instill the importance of being punctual.

Also, develop emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and control your emotions while concurrently remaining sensitive to the needs and feelings of people around you. Your sales team should develop their emotional intelligences as well, so they are aware of their actions and how their choices can affect others. People who have developed emotional intelligences build better relationships, which is an essential quality for anyone in sales.

Michael Delich is skilled at leading sales teams. 


Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Michael Delich – How to Motivate Your Sales Team

Michael Delich was the Vice President of Sales and Marketing at American Gramophone Records, he successfully led the sales teams by significantly increasing revenue generation for the company. Sales is a tough job — tough on your energy level and tough on your ego, which is why sales representatives often earn high salaries. However, often times, even a great salary isn’t enough to combat the steep competition and finicky customers that sales representatives deal with on a day-to-day basis. Michael Delich has been in sales and marketing for over forty years and understands how to motivate your sales team.

He believes in using commission as a driving force. If you want to motivate your sales team and augment company profit margins, then instituting changes to your commission structure is a fabulous idea. If you are looking to push a new product, offer a higher commission for team members who rake in the most sales. Encourage your sales to go after clients and be clear that their extra effort will pay off through new commission policies.

Also, without building a strong team, there is no way you will achieve exemplary results. Curate your dream team by providing mentorship, training, support and encouragement. Take the initiative to invest in your team, and soon enough, you will see your investments yield dividends. Since your whole company depends on the success of the sales team, you might want to get the others in the organization to encourage the sales team, too. Announce campaigns and contests for the whole firm to support the sales’ team initiative to bring in new customers.

Michael Delich is currently the President of Waitt Outdoor, LLC. He’s passionate about marketing and offering advice on how to motivate your sales team.

Monday, 26 September 2016

Michael Delich – Billboard Advertising

Michael Delich is the President of Waitt Outdoor, LLC., an billboard advertising company boasting more than 2,600 displays in key interstate strategic corridors. Waitt Outdoor, LLC., operates in Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Greater Kansas City, and Kansas as well. Before accepting his current position at the company, Michael Delich served as the President and COO of Waitt Media.

Billboard advertising started in America, quickly spreading throughout the world; billboard semantics and effectiveness is a well-studied science that top companies profoundly understand, which is why billboards haven’t phased out in the technological age. Michael Delich believes billboards remain convincing and salient in the 21st century, and the data proves him right. 

Billboards are strategically erected along roads (mainly express roads and tollways) and regulated by government so drivers only need a few seconds to read them. Marketing professionals tout that six seconds is the average time required to read a billboard, which means businessmen like Michael Delich have only around six words to transmit their overall message to drivers. Increasing the word count by just a few extra words is akin to dipping your toes in precarious waters, but the billboard’s effectiveness truly depends on the brand coupled with ease of reading. Less is more in billboard advertising. Always.

Billboards are aimed at drivers, cyclists, bikers and pedestrians, making it imperative that your message is short. Although advertisers will do nearly anything to get their billboards noticed, it is essential media professionals like Michael Delich are careful their billboards aren’t too flamboyant or attention-grabbing, too, so as not to cause an accident. The advertisement should be catchy, not a distraction.

One of the most common mistakes in billboard advertising is clients or marketing professionals plastering a website link or phone number on their billboards. Research shows the vast majority of viewers will never call nor log on because billboards are not a primary advertising medium, meaning billboards are used to buttress a campaign or brand-building as opposed to carrying the load. However, if your phone number or website is the headline, then you have an exception.


Thursday, 15 September 2016

Michael Delich – Tips For Hiring Managers

Michael Delich has worked in management and sales for over forty years. Before formally kicking off his career as a manufacturer’s representative, he attended Bellevue University and the University of Nebraska at Omaha. He also served aboard the USS Kansas City in the United States Navy after earning his Bachelor’s, working as an electronics technician. Throughout his extensive and impressive career, Michael Delich has hired many people to work for his companies. He has a few tips for hiring managers including preparing a specific list of questions, remembering to behave in a respectful and unselfish manner, and interviewing candidates with additional staff members.

If you are a hiring manager, do not talk about yourself during an interview. Do not discuss the opportunity offered to the candidate at length either. Instead, allow sufficient time for the candidate to speak and impress you. This tactic gives hiring managers a lot more to go off when making final decisions.

Also, as a hiring manager, you don’t have to interview everyone. Sometimes it’s smarter to delegate interview responsibilities to your team members: the candidate gets a better idea of the office’s atmosphere and your staff gets increased responsibility. Perhaps some candidates will display never-before-seen characteristics because someone new or different is conducting the interview.

Before the interview, prepare a list of questions you plan to ask candidates. This saves time and energy, lending more time and energy to conversation. Questions Michael Delich always asks include “Why are you interested in this particular role?” and “What do you find interesting about the organization?”

Michael Delich was the President and COO of Waitt Media from 1996 to 2005. He has many tips for hiring managers to impress their own superiors and find achieve success in the workplace.


Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Michael Delich - Television Business Sales

Many profitable sales and marketing executives, such as Michael Delich, president and partner of Waitt Outdoors LLC, and former executive of Waitt Television, continue to identify the television business as a profitable medium for sales. Despite the rise in internet sales, television has more than held its own in terms of advertising profitability in modern times.

In May 2016, executives from major networks like Time Warner and CBS reported advertising revenue growth, with other networks like Fox and CNN also noting a significant increase in ratings, and thereby, advertising proceeds. This profitability defines the television business as a lucrative one for sales despite the competition from streaming services, the internet, and YouTube.

 One element that television has continually working in its favor is its desirability as a platform for viewers to watch large scale spectacles, like the Olympics or the Super Bowl. Events that have such significant social impact are still viewed on television, making television a medium that, in this instance, can’t be beat.

Michael Delich and other television sales executives have also used the internet to their company’s advantage. Not only can clients pay for advertising slots on basic cable, but they can also purchase advertising time during full episodes of shows that are streaming on apps, the network’s website, or on services like Hulu or Roku. Television does still have a struggle ahead, as more advertising revenue moves to digitized mediums, however, as executives like Delich can attest, television is still a dominant force in society and has already proven itself to be adaptable and capable of survival.

Source: http://www.wired.com/2016/05/nope-tv-business-isnt-dead-yet-far-really

Monday, 25 July 2016

Michael Delich - Technology in Sales and Marketing

Prominent and profitable sales and marketing professionals, such as Michael Delich, president and partner of Waitt Outdoors LLC, remain cognizant of the new developments in technology and how those changes can benefit their sales profits and company in general. Advancements in technology have helped business streamline their sales processes, giving those companies a better chance to be as profitable as possible.

Pragmatic and far-sighted executives are aware that technology has become a daily aspect of people’s lives, therefore it would behoove a company to use the most current technological processes to become more successful. Studies have shown that as of December 2014, 42.3% of the world had access to the internet. Wise sales executives work daily to take advantage of reaching such a vast potential audience. One tech method that companies have begun using more often is the use of analytics. This saves sales teams an immense amount of groundwork and time generating leads for clients who are most likely to be the target audience for the company’s products.

Employing sales force automation is another advancement in technology that can be of significant benefit to a company. By using technology to automate previously time=consuming tasks, employees are freed up to focus their skills and talents in areas that will better benefit the company’s bottom line.

Experienced sales and marketing executives, like Michael Delich, use technology to their company’s advantage. This is vitally important when it comes to the creation of social platforms and the use of mobile technology. Delich and other executives are aware that 78% of sales professionals who use social platforms outsell their competition who don’t, and 93% of consumers who use mobile technology to learn about products end up purchasing those products.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Michael Delich - Strength Based Management

Michael Delich, president of Waitt Outdoors LLC, and other prominent company executives have long employed strength based management practices to create successful interpersonal relationships with employees of all kinds and to maintain a profitable company. Much of this comes down to realistic expectations and honing leadership skills on the part of the executive himself.

One of the most important strength based management techniques is to focus on what a company’s employees are capable of doing, rather than dwelling on what they cannot accomplish. As all employees have differing strengths and weaknesses, the manager can build better relationships and employee morale by emphasizing the positive.

 Instead of trying to change the impossible, a good manager should consider changing the responsibilities or roles of his employees to better reflect and play to their strengths. By creating specific career paths that are catered to employees’ talents, a sales executive will find himself operating a much more successful company.

Prudent and profitable sales and marketing executives, like Michael Delich, have headed successful companies because they spending more time focused on the employees with the strongest skills rather than dedicating lost time trying to get underperforming employees to do what they are not talented enough to do. The strongest employees will do the most for a business, and so those are the people executives need to spend more time working with. Finally, sales managers and executives should treat their employees as they do the company’s clients, as valuable individuals on whom the fate of the company rests.

Source: http://www.ignitiongroup.com/guide/how-to-take-a-strengths-based-approach-to-managing-people/

Monday, 11 July 2016

Michael Delich - Billboards for Marketing

Savvy sales and marketing professionals, like Michael Delich, president and partner of Waitt Outdoor, LLC, know the attention that billboards still garner as sales and marketing tools. Marketers can use the billboard and other types of outdoor marketing to promote their products in a manner that can prove to be quite profitable.

Specificity of message and careful choice of location are two of three key components to have a successful sales campaign through the use of billboards. A concise and visually attractive message is imperative, especially in billboard locations that are glanced at quickly via some mode of transportation.

Location is equally as vital, as smart marketers will know their key audience and select a location that will expose their sales campaign to the right people in the place that provides the highest traffic of the stated demographics. The third important component is making sure that the above two items are tied in with a clear, measureable call-to-action and a simple, easily remembered URL address (digital trail).

Michael Delich of Waitt Outdoor, LLC, and other highly professional and successful company presidents, understand that it is unwise to dismiss billboards and other forms of outdoor advertising as outdated or unable to compete with internet sales methods. Nearly 58% of people learned about an event they were interested in from billboard advertising, 32% visited a retailer within a week of seeing a billboard ad for that company, and 58% learned about a restaurant they eventually visited. Billboards and other outdoor advertising platforms are as or even more effective today as digital forms of advertising.

Source: https://www.marketingtechblog.com/outdoor-advertising-stats/

Monday, 20 June 2016

Michael Delich Explains Evolution of Digital Outdoor

The digital outdoor industry now represents around 40 percent of outdoor investment, and Michael Delich of Waitt Outdoor LLC can illustrate the unique value of digital outdoor. Advertising clients prefer gas stations, restaurants and bars for digital ads; gas stations, especially, often use digital TVs which provide an estimated 52 million customers with weather, sports, gossip and commercials each month.  Gas Station TV has around 27.5 viewers a month at more than 1100 gas stations in the United States.  The types of audiences available to digital TV advertisers are adult drivers with average incomes of $70,000, and utilize watching at gas stations as they wait.

Michael Delich’s analysis of the media-watching public shows that digital TV has risen in popularity due to the down time issue of waiting, when people engage with media as they momentarily have nothing else to do.  Digital video recorders have caused commercial viewing to wane inside the home, which makes out of home advertising the more effective alternative.  Nielsen media research revealed in 2009 that 91 percent of DVR users skip commercials. 

Overall, Michel Delich of Waitt Outdoor LLC can show the client how billboards and displays are less expensive and more effective than television, radio, newspapers or other mediums.  LCD screens with integrated media players are an innovation which allow for advertising at the point of purchase, allowing input in the decision making process of buying.  In a reverse communication mode, small devices affixed to out-of-door advertising displays allow for data retrieval by the consumer.  “Beacons allow you to communicate with the viewer. They also tell you frequency…,” according to Mark Boidman, managing director at PJSC.


Monday, 13 June 2016

Career of Michael Delich Grows from Navy Experience

After working for a number of years as a manufacturer’s representative for a record and electronics firm, Michael Delich joined RTI, which specialized in electronics manufacturing and sales. From this invaluable experience in marketing and sales, Delich cut his entrepreneurial teeth on his own firm, Meyerson Distributing, which launched his own business in electronics, recording and entertainment.

The phase out of Meyerson Distributing saw Michael Delich enter a new phase of his career, when he joined forces with an American record company, American Gramaphone. American Gramaphone was formed in 1974 by Chip Davis, who released his solo and Mannheim Steamroller recordings through the company. Based in Omaha, Nebraska in the United States, American Gramaphone released solo albums by musicians Jackson Berkey and Ron Cooley, who were Mannheim Steamroller musicians. Bands Checkfield and America also released albums through American Gramaphone.

Michael Delich works today as President of Waitt Outdoor LLC, an advertising firm based in Omaha, Nebraska. Waitt Outdoor LLC specializes in outdoor advertising, and employees approximately 30 employees. Waitt Outdoor LLC was founded in 1999 and is a private firm which posts annual sales over $10M. Delich promotes the company’s emphasis on outdoor advertising design as being an instantaneous message with strong residual impact, allowing clients to communicate their product messages to a wide audience with a strong, lasting impact. Waitt Outdoor LLC has 1500 locations throughout the Omaha region, allowing clients to advertise with the frequency demanded by their product’s needs. Waitt Outdoor can also assist clients in planning advertising campaigns with clear and concise budgets.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Michael Delich May Have Taken Training in Virginia Beach

Michael Delich’ Navy berth on the USS Kansas City was duty on a ship that was constructed in 1968 in Quincy, Massachusetts. She was launched in 1969. Commissioned in 1970, the USS Kansas City served in the Vietnam War, earning three battle stars and the Meritorious Unit Commendation, and in Operation Desert Storm. Decommissioned in 1994, the USS Kansas City was broken up at the All Star Metals Salvage Yard in Brownsville, Texas in 2013.

Michael Delich served as an electronics specialist for the United States Navy, assigned to the USS Kansas City, a Wichita-class ship which served with distinction in the Vietnam War and in Operation Desert Storm. The rating of radarman was split up between the ET, electronics technician designation, and the EW or electronic warfare technician titles, with the original rating badge still used by the operations specialist. Operations specialist is a sea-duty intensive rating, with most of its assignments afloat on warships such as guided missile cruisers, destroyers, aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships and tactical air control squadrons.

As an operations specialist working with electronics, Michael Delich worked aboard United States Navy combat vessels in the tactical nerve center of the ship. The initial training for operations specialists was originally at the Naval Training Center in Great Lakes, Illinois. In 1979 training was moved to Dam Neck in Virginia Beach, Virginia, but has since been returned to the Training Support Center in Great Lakes, Illinois. Advanced training takes place in various locations, including California and Virginia. Delich was trained as an electronics specialist, one of several operations specialists on United States Navy combat vessels.

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Twin Cities Resident Michael Delich Experiences Clash of Personalities

Michael Delich would have grown up knowing he lived among the citizens of two combined cities, but he would also have been very aware of the distinct personalities of each one.  Minneapolis, with modern skyscrapers and a modern outlook, and Saint Paul, with its resemblance to a European city in its large amount of Victorian architecture and quaint neighborhoods which suggest another time.  Even the populations of the two cities are distinct.  Saint Paul’s development has been driven by the centuries-old French, Irish and German Catholic settlers which comprised its early citizens.  Minneapolis was settled by Scandinavian and Lutheran peoples.

Minneapolis has the largest population of any city in Minnesota, while Saint Paul is the state’s capital.  Michael Delich grew up in the second largest metroplex in the Midwest behind Chicago, with a population today of 3,797,883, the 14th largest metropolitan area in the United States. The Twin Cities is a unique combination of old world values and modern diversity, attempting to meld the old and the new.

Michael Delich would have grown up with the deeply ingrained competition between the two cities still in evidence today.  Architects who created buildings in one city, was refused business in the other.  The 1890 Census saw the cities arresting or kidnapping each other’s census takers to try to keep either city from outgrowing the other.  Refusing to agree on a calendar for daylight savings time, there was a time in the 1960’s when those who lived in Minneapolis were one hour behind those living in St. Paul.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Michael Delich - The Challenges of Motivating a Sales Team

Michael Delich is the President of Waitt Outdoor, LLC and is experienced in sales and marketing. After graduating from high school, he joined the navy and served aboard the USS Kansas City as an electronics specialist. He left the navy in 1975 and started working as a manufacturer’s representative. Michael Delich has built a successful career for himself in the sales and marketing sector and knows the importance of motivating a sales team.

Leading by Example
If you want to have a rock-solid sales team, you will need to get in front and lead by example. Exhibit habits and behaviors you want your sales team to mimic and show them how to work as a team. It is important that your sales team follows your lead and operates with integrity and honesty at all times. If you want your sales team to be on time for appointments, make sure you are always on time for team meetings and instill in them the importance of being punctual.

Develop Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and keep control of your own emotions while at the same time being sensitive to the needs and feelings of the people around you. It is important for your sales team to develop their emotional intelligence as it will make them aware of their actions and how it can affect others. People who have developed emotional intelligence are able to build better relationships, something that is important in sales.

Michael Delich has led several sales teams during the course of his career in sales and marketing.

Source: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/managing-salespeople.html

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Michael Delich - Revenue Generation Strategies You Can Use

Michael Delich has extensive experience in sales and revenue generation. He served in the navy aboard the USS Kansas City as an electronics specialist and left the navy in 1975. He started his career in the sales and marketing business working as a manufacturer’s representative for a company before moving on to work at RTI, a company in the wholesale record and electronics business. Michael Delich is currently the President of Waitt Outdoor, LLC. Here are some revenue generation strategies you can use in your organization.

Generate More Prospects

Develop specific tactics to increase the number of people who know about your product or service. There are several approaches you can use, but trying to use all of them won’t get you anywhere. Focus on five or ten marketing systems that you can implement on a regular basis and work with it. Just using referrals and networking is not going to be sufficient to increase your customer base. Use other avenues to become more visible to your potential customers and you will generate more revenue for your company.

Increase Conversion Rate

When potential customers start coming in, you will have to convert them into customers. Just driving traffic to your company or business is not sufficient, you will have to make sure they are buying your products or services.

Michael Delich worked as the Vice President of sales and marketing at American Gramaphone Records and is played an important role in increasing sales in the company.

Source: http://www.kinesisinc.com/the-four-strategies-to-generate-more-revenue-for-your-company/

Friday, 29 April 2016

Michael Delich - How to Be an Effective Manager

Michael Delich has held several managerial positions in the course of his career. He joined the navy after graduating from high school and served aboard the USS Kansas City as an electronics specialist. During his time with the navy, he learned the importance of being a good manager and has used these management principles extensively in the various managerial positions he has held. Michael Delich is the President of Wait Outdoor, LLC., an outdoor advertising company. Here are a couple of tips you can use to become an effective manager. Value your Employees

As a manager, you must understand and appreciate the role your employees play in your organization. Look at the contribution they make and do not underestimate the effort they put in by working for your organization. View your employees as valuable assets and nurture them, instead of exploiting them for short-term gain.

Express Gratitude

It isn’t just enough to value your employees, but it is important to express gratitude as well. Learn to show your appreciation for a job well done. Where it is possible, offer positive feedback. Simply saying “thank you” can have a positive effect on your employees and can help them stay motivated. Expressing gratitude will help your employees stay loyal to your organization, and not think twice about investing maximum time and effort in their jobs every day.


Make sure you communicate often and clearly to your employees. Clear communication is important if you want to see your employees being productive. You can use a variety of communication tools such as email, instant messages and video calls to keep in touch with your team members regarding project issues.

Michael Delich has excellent management skills and knows how to work as a team leader.


Friday, 22 April 2016

Michael Delich-Strength-Based Management Tips You Can Use

Michael Delich attended Bellevue University and the University of Nebraska at Omaha. He has been in the sales and marketing industry for over 40 years and has held various top positions during the course of his career. Michael Delich was the Vice President of sales and marketing at American Gramaphone Records, a company he helped sell over 25 million records through a unique business model he developed. Here are a few strength-based management tips you can use.

Capitalize on Your Team’s Strengths

If you have people with unique skills, chances are they will also have unique weaknesses. As a manager, you need to watch out that you do not waste your emotional energy complaining how your team doesn’t do their job properly. Instead, place your team members in positions where they can use their unique skills so that they can succeed. Focus on building up their unique skills, and you will not have to worry about correcting their “unique” weaknesses.

Focus Your Attention On the Best

Often managers feel that they need to give more attention to the underperforming team members than the top performing team members. The rational that is used is that the top performing team members can work on their own, but those who are weak need more help. However, the top performing employees are the ones who contribute the most to the success of the organization.


If one of your team members is extremely talented in designing, it does not do any good to put him in sales. Instead, create a career path so that he can continue to do what he does best without trying to promote him into a management position that changes his line of work. Creating a career path for your top performing team members who wouldn’t do well as managers is management based on strengths.

Michael Delich has been in the management business for several years.

Source: http://www.ignitiongroup.com/guide/how-to-take-a-strengths-based-approach-to-managing-people/