Monday, 11 July 2016

Michael Delich - Billboards for Marketing

Savvy sales and marketing professionals, like Michael Delich, president and partner of Waitt Outdoor, LLC, know the attention that billboards still garner as sales and marketing tools. Marketers can use the billboard and other types of outdoor marketing to promote their products in a manner that can prove to be quite profitable.

Specificity of message and careful choice of location are two of three key components to have a successful sales campaign through the use of billboards. A concise and visually attractive message is imperative, especially in billboard locations that are glanced at quickly via some mode of transportation.

Location is equally as vital, as smart marketers will know their key audience and select a location that will expose their sales campaign to the right people in the place that provides the highest traffic of the stated demographics. The third important component is making sure that the above two items are tied in with a clear, measureable call-to-action and a simple, easily remembered URL address (digital trail).

Michael Delich of Waitt Outdoor, LLC, and other highly professional and successful company presidents, understand that it is unwise to dismiss billboards and other forms of outdoor advertising as outdated or unable to compete with internet sales methods. Nearly 58% of people learned about an event they were interested in from billboard advertising, 32% visited a retailer within a week of seeing a billboard ad for that company, and 58% learned about a restaurant they eventually visited. Billboards and other outdoor advertising platforms are as or even more effective today as digital forms of advertising.
