Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Michael Delich - Strength Based Management

Michael Delich, president of Waitt Outdoors LLC, and other prominent company executives have long employed strength based management practices to create successful interpersonal relationships with employees of all kinds and to maintain a profitable company. Much of this comes down to realistic expectations and honing leadership skills on the part of the executive himself.

One of the most important strength based management techniques is to focus on what a company’s employees are capable of doing, rather than dwelling on what they cannot accomplish. As all employees have differing strengths and weaknesses, the manager can build better relationships and employee morale by emphasizing the positive.

 Instead of trying to change the impossible, a good manager should consider changing the responsibilities or roles of his employees to better reflect and play to their strengths. By creating specific career paths that are catered to employees’ talents, a sales executive will find himself operating a much more successful company.

Prudent and profitable sales and marketing executives, like Michael Delich, have headed successful companies because they spending more time focused on the employees with the strongest skills rather than dedicating lost time trying to get underperforming employees to do what they are not talented enough to do. The strongest employees will do the most for a business, and so those are the people executives need to spend more time working with. Finally, sales managers and executives should treat their employees as they do the company’s clients, as valuable individuals on whom the fate of the company rests.

Source: http://www.ignitiongroup.com/guide/how-to-take-a-strengths-based-approach-to-managing-people/