Monday, 25 July 2016

Michael Delich - Technology in Sales and Marketing

Prominent and profitable sales and marketing professionals, such as Michael Delich, president and partner of Waitt Outdoors LLC, remain cognizant of the new developments in technology and how those changes can benefit their sales profits and company in general. Advancements in technology have helped business streamline their sales processes, giving those companies a better chance to be as profitable as possible.

Pragmatic and far-sighted executives are aware that technology has become a daily aspect of people’s lives, therefore it would behoove a company to use the most current technological processes to become more successful. Studies have shown that as of December 2014, 42.3% of the world had access to the internet. Wise sales executives work daily to take advantage of reaching such a vast potential audience. One tech method that companies have begun using more often is the use of analytics. This saves sales teams an immense amount of groundwork and time generating leads for clients who are most likely to be the target audience for the company’s products.

Employing sales force automation is another advancement in technology that can be of significant benefit to a company. By using technology to automate previously time=consuming tasks, employees are freed up to focus their skills and talents in areas that will better benefit the company’s bottom line.

Experienced sales and marketing executives, like Michael Delich, use technology to their company’s advantage. This is vitally important when it comes to the creation of social platforms and the use of mobile technology. Delich and other executives are aware that 78% of sales professionals who use social platforms outsell their competition who don’t, and 93% of consumers who use mobile technology to learn about products end up purchasing those products.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Michael Delich - Strength Based Management

Michael Delich, president of Waitt Outdoors LLC, and other prominent company executives have long employed strength based management practices to create successful interpersonal relationships with employees of all kinds and to maintain a profitable company. Much of this comes down to realistic expectations and honing leadership skills on the part of the executive himself.

One of the most important strength based management techniques is to focus on what a company’s employees are capable of doing, rather than dwelling on what they cannot accomplish. As all employees have differing strengths and weaknesses, the manager can build better relationships and employee morale by emphasizing the positive.

 Instead of trying to change the impossible, a good manager should consider changing the responsibilities or roles of his employees to better reflect and play to their strengths. By creating specific career paths that are catered to employees’ talents, a sales executive will find himself operating a much more successful company.

Prudent and profitable sales and marketing executives, like Michael Delich, have headed successful companies because they spending more time focused on the employees with the strongest skills rather than dedicating lost time trying to get underperforming employees to do what they are not talented enough to do. The strongest employees will do the most for a business, and so those are the people executives need to spend more time working with. Finally, sales managers and executives should treat their employees as they do the company’s clients, as valuable individuals on whom the fate of the company rests.


Monday, 11 July 2016

Michael Delich - Billboards for Marketing

Savvy sales and marketing professionals, like Michael Delich, president and partner of Waitt Outdoor, LLC, know the attention that billboards still garner as sales and marketing tools. Marketers can use the billboard and other types of outdoor marketing to promote their products in a manner that can prove to be quite profitable.

Specificity of message and careful choice of location are two of three key components to have a successful sales campaign through the use of billboards. A concise and visually attractive message is imperative, especially in billboard locations that are glanced at quickly via some mode of transportation.

Location is equally as vital, as smart marketers will know their key audience and select a location that will expose their sales campaign to the right people in the place that provides the highest traffic of the stated demographics. The third important component is making sure that the above two items are tied in with a clear, measureable call-to-action and a simple, easily remembered URL address (digital trail).

Michael Delich of Waitt Outdoor, LLC, and other highly professional and successful company presidents, understand that it is unwise to dismiss billboards and other forms of outdoor advertising as outdated or unable to compete with internet sales methods. Nearly 58% of people learned about an event they were interested in from billboard advertising, 32% visited a retailer within a week of seeing a billboard ad for that company, and 58% learned about a restaurant they eventually visited. Billboards and other outdoor advertising platforms are as or even more effective today as digital forms of advertising.
